“Let’s do it!”
“Let’s do it!”

“Home sweet home. I like it here. Nice place to bring kids up!”
“We haven’t got any.”

“Pity about that stick!”
“It’s the tree stupid. You built the nest round it”

“Nothing like a clatter with your bill. Impressed?”

“Not bad.”

“Crikey. That’s better.”

“Think I’ll have a go.”

“What do you reckon?”

“Wow… Impressive.”

“Cor blimey. I need to stretch my wings”

“Quick circuit and …”

“Love you.”

“Really love you.”


“Of course I do… Love you.”

“Love you.”

“Blimey… Knackered.”

“Going down the pub.”

“See you later.”

“Don’t be late!”
The Storks were at Knepp. And part of the rewilding project there. You may like to open the following links to learn more.
Just south of Horsham, on the A24 turning off at the Dial Post junction. Parking in the walkers’ car park. You could see the Storks nest in the distance. It’s remarkable how close you are to these iconic birds, who it seems have now set up the start of a wild breeding colony. Initially from captive young birds from Warsaw Zoo.
The first pair to breed included a wild vagrant from who knows where? A few fly into this country each year and now it would seem recognise Knepp. Equally, some Knepp birds have flown long distances across the continent. Bobby went with Alison, who he met on Skokholm Island in 2019. There are walks of varying lengths and quite a few more Storks flying around.
In past years, Knepp has seen Nightingales and Turtle Doves nesting there. More than anything, on a sunny day, the overall impression was one of supreme peace in a troubled world. Where Storks now breed again in Britain, after a gap of hundreds of years. As you can see from the Storrington village sign, just a few miles away.
Lighting a Candle for Diddley
In January Jasmine gave Bobby a beautiful bunch of “letterbox flowers”. He has loved them so much that he can’t get rid of them. Now, in a vase with no water in it, they have become petrified. Very fragile in their beauty.

Today “petrified beauty” and very flammable. Keep that candle away!
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Love this Bob. She should have hit him on the bum with “Woman’s Weekly” as per Victoria Wood!!!
This is priceless!!!