Railway Journeys

This Service is Cancelled

(Includes Landscape Photographer of the Year). This service is Cancelled “This service is cancelled. There has been an incident at West Croydon. Please leave the train and return to the concourse.” We all did as we were were told, apart from one chap in the corner with noise reduction headphones who had to be tapped…


Bobby does not collect tickets. He doesn’t collect anything with alacrity. Bobby: “Blimey! Where did that come from?” Bertie: “Oxford Concise.”

Missing You. Bobby’s Railway Adventure.

Missing you. Bertie: “Bobby… will it always be like this? Will we ever go to those places we love again? I really miss all those adventures.” Bobby: “I am sure we will, Bertie. But a lot of people like me will be too nervous to go for quite a while. All we can do is…

S I D (Self Isolation Day)

S I D We started a story called “What if”. It’s still relevant and follows later. But, as we all know, the situation is changing so rapidly that by the time this is posted it will have completely changed again. So we are posting an exceptional mid week blog. Today, Monday 16 March, is SID…

Autumn on a West Somerset Railway Steam Train.

West Somerset Railway Autumn in Somerset on a Steam Train. Many of our heritage railways stage special events in October. Galas, or for the Bluebell Line, “Giants of Steam“.

30506 (SR S15): Tony’s Engine.

30506. Tony’s Engine.

A Day out with Thomas.

A Day Out With Thomas. Play this: Dear Christopher, Here is your friend Thomas, the Tank Engine. He wanted to come out of his station-yard and see the world. These stories tell you how he did it. I hope you will like them because you helped me to make them. Your Loving Daddy

April in Paris – Pt 1

April in Paris. Bertie: “What’s the matter with you, Bobby me old mate?” Bobby: “Gout!” Bertie: “They took my bleedin ‘ead off last year. Anyway, wot about our ‘oliday round Europe?” Bobby: “Well, it’s just two weeks away and I can hardly walk.” Bertie: “Do you know what mate? I don’t think you really want…

From a Railway Carriage.

From a Railway Carriage. This little boy, enjoying the view from a railway carriage, is the future. Diddley never knew him but he will know all about her in the fullness of time. For this is Jay, her great grandson. Son to Jasmine and Jay (senior).

We Missed You Bertie!

We Missed You Bertie! Bobby: “I really missed you Bertie!” Bertie: “I really missed you too, Bobby! Not just being in hospital for a few days, but all those weeks waiting for the op. Sitting day after day on Bobby 2, wishing I was joining in the adventures.”