
Just Four Days

Bobby: “Bertie! Our revered Technical Director, Tim, has made an observation. As he cruises serenely along the waterways of England in his canal boat, ‘Sola Gratia‘ with Tracey and the doggies, he notices things.”


Many of our stories are written straight off the cuff and are then refined. Changed a little. Sometimes, the final version is quite different to the original idea. On rare occasions, where a lot of emotion is involved, it seems best to just write it while the state of mind exists and just tidy up…

The Allotment

Bertie: “It’s too bleedin ‘ot!” Bobby: “I know, Bertie. It might help if you took that scarf off!” Bertie: “No way. I’d feel naked without it.” Bobby: “You would be!”

35 Years in 16 Seconds

35 Years

Far From the Madding Crowd – Times Two

Far From the Madding Crowd: Part 1. Wisley. Far From the Madding Crowd at Wisley Gardens. Book your online ticket early. The timed slots soon get filled up. Choose an early one to avoid car park bedlam. But don’t be deterred, later is OK if you are patient. Late afternoon is a lovely time to…

“May” – John Clare

John Clare John Clare (13 July 1793 – 20 May 1864) was an English poet. The son of a farm labourer, he became known for his celebration of the English countryside and sorrows at its disruption. How familiar is that with the 21st Century? He died impoverished in a lunatic asylum and it was only…


There is something majestic about Wisteria. Each year, in May, these fantastic plants come into their own. There is no other plant quite like them. In Japan and China where they originate they have assumed mystical qualities and have been turned into quite incredible exhibitions of creativity.

The Art of Kate

Today is a milestone. Mindfully Bertie has reached its 300th story. And this is the first since we returned to one a week on Sunday afternoon. We are privileged to have a very special guest. Our very own resident artist Kate. While some of us are good at expressing our emotions through music, others are…

Mindfully Bertie… An Update

Update Mindfully Bertie started in August 2016 with “Dream Island“. August 2021 will see us back there for a week if restrictions permit. When the first Covid-19 lockdown started, it soon became obvious that we and our readers would have time on our hands. So, we started a midweek, additional, shorter story. Tim, our Technical…

Some Benches

Bertie: “You OK, Bobby?” Bobby: “Not really Bertie. Bit fed up.”