Her Majesty the Queen

Posted on 11/09/2022 By

It is with great sadness that we record the passing of Her Majesty the Queen this week. No doubt a day that will remain etched in everybody’s memory.

We couldn’t let this momentous occasion go without our own tribute.

So, thank you Ma’am for your 70 years of loyal service. You will be missed. There will be no-one else like you.

This tribute is in Morrison’s, Brentford. No doubt Bobby would have photographed the one in his local Waitrose!

Floral tributes and messages of condolence in Morrison's, Brentford.

King Charles II of England

Long Live the King.

Lighting a Candle for Queen Elizabeth, Diddley and Bobby

A candle lit for Her Majesty the Queen, Diddley and Bobby.


  1. Felicity Drewett says:

    Thank you for this Tim. I have no doubt Bobby would have had several fitting tributes and most definitely Waitrose!!!!!

    • Tim says:

      Thanks. Bobby would have been far more eloquent than me and would doubtless have had plenty of quips and memories. There was no way I could mirror that, but I hope he would approve of this short tribute.

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