Lighting a Candle for Diddley (and for Peter)

Posted on 29/08/2021 By

Lighting a Candle

Lighting a Candle: Headshot of Diddley. Underneath, words from a Leonard Cohen song - "There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in".

Diane Ball (nee Solomon). (Diddley)
19 August 1950 – 23 August 2015.

Bobby and Bertie on Diddley's Bench.

Diddley’s View 23 August 2021.

Bereavement can be an ongoing issue that never really goes away. How you deal with it is very individual and can affect the rest of your days. We soon realised that we needed to fill the void created by our loss. And we have, to some extent, with Mindfully Bertie. Over 300 stories all ending with Lighting a Candle for Diddley.

The first posted five years ago by Tim, our canal boat friend and Technical Director. It is far more than bereavement therapy now, but still retains that element. For the most part a celebration of what we had and what we still do have. A positive attitude to what life can offer you, despite the heartbreaks along the way.

And we can only express our gratitude that along the way we found Al-Anon and many true friends. Friends like Anna and Peter. Most days we still open that card and read those words written in Diddley’s inimitable style.

Bertie on the window sill with a candle lit for Diddley, a vase of cut Sweet Peas and reading "the card".

The handwritten inside of "the card".

Love you Bobby Ballcock – hope you’re having fun.
Di Diddley I Di.

We are doing our best, Diddley. You were beautiful, wonderful, lovely, awful, terrible. All in just five minutes. That’s why we and many others loved you. And still do. (There are many tributes to her within the blog. Just type Diddley in search). And remember –

Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, so live for today.

(Written by the River Wandle at Merton Abbey Mills on our way to St George’s).


Diddley’s favourite singer together with Bobby’s favourite lady singer from a long time ago.

Lighting a Candle for Peter

April 2012. Sustrans friends David, Bob, Phil, Peter, Roger. Thames Cycle Route.

April 2012. Sustrans friends David, Bob, Phil, PETER, Roger. Thames Cycle Route.

Peter was our true friend, and a great supporter of Mindfully Bertie. He fell victim to unexpected illness and passed on well before his time. Our thoughts and our hearts go out to his partner Anna and sister Pam at this very sad time.

Bertie in St Martin-in-the-Field with candles lit for Diddley and Peter.

Lighting Candles in St Martin-in-the-Fields, where Peter, Anna, Pam, Anne and Bobby spent many happy hours at concerts.

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